The client is a non-profit aimed at providing a common voice for companies focused on market-based plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They waned to update their sites design while also ensuring a path forward for the underlying framework, which was Drupal 7. The decision was made to build... more

The Academic Senate at the University of California represents the school's faculty in their shared governance responsibilities. Through active recruiting of members of the faculty, the Academic Senate consists of committees which work with the University administration doing academic policy and... more

In 2007, the owners of an historic Berkeley institution announced they were closing the Berkeley Iceland rink and selling it to a developer to be raised for new condominiums. Save Berkeley Iceland (SBI) was formed shortly after to build community support for saving the landmark building and the... more

Microbes.info is designed to be a portal for online information of interest to the international microbiological community. The site is modeled after the original Yahoo! search portal and uses actively maintained links to populate the searchable content. A number of custom feed consumers were... more